Faculty Research: Vesla Weaver (JHU)
Mergenthaler 366 Johns Hopkins University, BaltimoreVesla Weaver (JHU) will talk about the American Prison Writing Archive research project
Vesla Weaver (JHU) will talk about the American Prison Writing Archive research project
Graduates will report back on a field trip to Vassar College, organized to give students a better sense of careers in Liberal Arts Colleges
Helen Kinsella (Political Science, University of Minnesota) will present her research on "Raced and Gendered Inequities in Political Science"
Sally Nuamah (Political Science, NorthWestern University) will present research-in-progress, title TBA
Erin Pineda (Political Science, Smith College) will present research-in-progress, title TBA
Allon Brann from CTEI will run a graduate-focused workshop on building syllabi and other pedagogical practices
"Present Day Challenges for Indigenous Law: Civil Society and Democracy
"Does the Left Need New Imaginaries? Hope, The Education of Desire, and the Betrayal of Utopia", with discussant: Adriana Mandacaru Guerra
Title to be announced Title to be announced Title TBA
With Tiffany Washington, Associate Director for Foundation Relations at KSAS
"Race, Racism, and the Crisis of Democracy in Political Science"
Arthur Spirling (Princeton) will give a provocative talk on the use of AI and Data Science in the study of political phenomena. Prof Spirling is a Political Scientist who serves on the executive committee of Data-Driven Social Science, and on the executive committee of Princeton Language + Intelligence.