External speaker: Milan Svolik (Yale)
Mergenthaler 366 Johns Hopkins University, BaltimoreMilan Svolik (Political Science, Yale) will present research, title TBA
Milan Svolik (Political Science, Yale) will present research, title TBA
Jennifer Nedelsky will present "Communities of Care, Relations of Freedom, the Freedom-Necessity Dichotomy", Co-sponsored with the Constitution Day . Venue TBA
Graduate students Julieta Casas and Sheharyar Imran will practice their job talks
Jonny Thakkar will present "Institutions and Idealism”. Co-sponsored with the Seminar on Political and Moral Thought.
A report on the first Hopkins Graduate Summer School on Racial Politics 23 and discussion of Summer School 24, led by Jessie Croteau, Ben Taylor, Ivan Ruiz-Hernandez
Faculty will debate the question: What is political in political economy? With Renee Marlin-Bennett, Philipp Rehm, Steve Teles, & Inés Valdez
Conor Bean will present "Population-Public: A Missed Encounter Between Biopolitics and the Public Sphere”, with discussant Cécile Cadet (Johns Hopkins)
A graduate focused topic: Coursework expectations and avoiding incompletes. Faculty leads TBA
A Discussion of Segregated Time (Oxford University Press, 2023). Discussant TBA
A team up with the Agora Institute. External speaker: Bryant Moy (Data Science, NYU)
Gemma Dipoppa (Political Science, Brown) will present research, title TBA
Kevin Duong (Politics, UVA) will present “Psychotherapy for the People: Harlem’s Lafargue Clinic, 1946-1958”