External speaker: Gemma Dipoppa (Brown)
External speaker: Gemma Dipoppa (Brown)
Gemma Dipoppa (Political Science, Brown) will present research, title TBA
Gemma Dipoppa (Political Science, Brown) will present research, title TBA
Kevin Duong (Politics, UVA) will present “Psychotherapy for the People: Harlem’s Lafargue Clinic, 1946-1958”
“On the Morning You Wake uses innovative documentary storytelling and virtual production techniques to viscerally recreate the lived experiences of people who, for 38 minutes, had to react and make impossible decisions in the face of nuclear violence.” Watch Trailer Register here to attend the film screening and discussion of On the Morning You Wake (to the End […]
Nidesh Lawtoo will present "Homo Mimeticus: A New Theory of Imitation”. Co-sponsored with the department of Comparative Thought and Literature.
Bonnie Honig (Brown University) will present in the first part of Bill Connolly's Retirement Symposium
Bill Connolly (Johns Hopkins) will present in the second part of his Retirement Symposium
Graduate student Maximiliano Véjares will present his job talk. There will follow a general discussion on job talk strategies