Rob Nichols (USCS)
Mergenthaler 366 Johns Hopkins University, BaltimoreRob Nichols (USCS) presents his paper on "Red Power Partisans"
Rob Nichols (USCS) presents his paper on "Red Power Partisans"
Sam Chambers (JHU) presents his current research on Money / Power
Vasquez presents "On Social Crime, Empathy, and the Pain of Hunger"
Legislating Rights: Congress and the Making of American Indian Law
Danny Schlozman and Sam Chambers lead a discussion on writing syllabi
Diana Kim (Georgetown) presents her current work: "Untouchability as Global"
Sarah Parkinson (JHU) will present her current research: title tba
Title: "The Energy Roads Taken: The German-Russian Gas Relationship in the Long-Durée"
Josh Simon (JHU) will present his current research. Title TBA
The department's annual one-day graduate conference. Program and locations TBA