SNF Agora & Political Science Seminar: Erin Pineda (Smith)
Mergenthaler 366 Johns Hopkins University, BaltimoreErin Pineda (Political Science, Smith College) will present research-in-progress, title TBA
Erin Pineda (Political Science, Smith College) will present research-in-progress, title TBA
"Night Vision: Climate-Induced Night Work and the Degrowth Imperative" with Discussant: Matheus MendoncaCo=sponsored by the Program in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies, and the Chloe Center for the Critical […]
"'An Equal Balance': Political Equality in Ancient Greece and Early Modern England"Co-sponsored by SPMT
"Present Day Challenges for Indigenous Law: Civil Society and Democracy
"Does the Left Need New Imaginaries? Hope, The Education of Desire, and the Betrayal of Utopia", with discussant: Adriana Mandacaru Guerra
"Naysaying, the Coherence Theory of Truth and Pluralism", with discussant: David DeBole
"Porous Belongings: Engagements with Michael Serres" Co-sponsored by Comparative Thought and Literature
Title To Be DeterminedEvent is being co-sponsored by SPMT
"Indigenous Sovereignty and the Construction of Citizenship during Peru's Post-Independence Period, with discussant: Alonso Burgos CisnerosCo-sponsored by the Program in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies
“Abolition Democracy as a Non-Repressive Society: Herbert Marcuse, Angela Davis, and the New Left Legacies of Abolition” (Disc. Kory Gaines)
Rob Nichols (USCS) presents his paper on "Red Power Partisans"
Delio Vasquez presents "The Soul Breaker and the Structured Vehicle" with discussant, Emily Lerman.