External Speaker: Jonny Thakkar (Swarthmore College)
Gilman 308 Johns Hopkins University, BaltimoreJonny Thakkar will present "Institutions and Idealism”. Co-sponsored with the Seminar on Political and Moral Thought.
Jonny Thakkar will present "Institutions and Idealism”. Co-sponsored with the Seminar on Political and Moral Thought.
A report on the first Hopkins Graduate Summer School on Racial Politics 23 and discussion of Summer School 24, led by Jessie Croteau, Ben Taylor, Ivan Ruiz-Hernandez
Faculty will debate the question: What is political in political economy? With Renee Marlin-Bennett, Philipp Rehm, Steve Teles, & Inés Valdez
Conor Bean will present "Population-Public: A Missed Encounter Between Biopolitics and the Public Sphere”, with discussant Cécile Cadet (Johns Hopkins)
A graduate focused topic: Coursework expectations and avoiding incompletes. Faculty leads TBA
A Discussion of Segregated Time (Oxford University Press, 2023). Discussant TBA
A team up with the Agora Institute. External speaker: Bryant Moy (Data Science, NYU)
Gemma Dipoppa (Political Science, Brown) will present research, title TBA
Kevin Duong (Politics, UVA) will present “Psychotherapy for the People: Harlem’s Lafargue Clinic, 1946-1958”
“On the Morning You Wake uses innovative documentary storytelling and virtual production techniques to viscerally recreate the lived experiences of people who, for 38 minutes, had to react and make […]
Nidesh Lawtoo will present "Homo Mimeticus: A New Theory of Imitation”. Co-sponsored with the department of Comparative Thought and Literature.
Bonnie Honig (Brown University) will present in the first part of Bill Connolly's Retirement Symposium