Downsizing Democracy: How America Sidelined Its Citizens and Privatized Its Public

Downsizing Democracy: How America Sidelined Its Citizens and Privatized Its Public

In  Downsizing Democracy, Matthew A. Crenson and Benjamin Ginsberg describe how the once powerful idea of a collective citizenry has given way to a concept of personal, autonomous democracy. Today, political […]

Democrats Return to Power: Politics and Policy in the Clinton Era

Democrats Return to Power: Politics and Policy in the Clinton Era

The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State

The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State

In this provocative book, Benjamin Ginsberg examines the cycle of Jewish success and anti-Semitic attack throughout the history of the Diaspora, with a concentrated focus on the “special case” of […]

Food Fights: International Regimes and the Politics of Agricultural Trade Disputes

Food Fights: International Regimes and the Politics of Agricultural Trade Disputes

First published in 1993, this title explores the underlying ideologies and decision-making procedures that codify the rules of the post-World War II liberal, now defunct Soviet socialist, mercantilist and South […]

Choosing Sides: Alignment and Realignment in the Third World

By examining Third World leaders who switched alignment from one superpower to the other, the author demonstrates inadequacies of existing theories of alignment and realignment and develops an alternative theory […]

Do Elections Matter?

Do Elections Matter?

This text provides an analysis of the variety of consequences that elections may have for the operation of American political institutions and the formulation and administration of policy.

The Captive Public: How Mass Opinion Promotes State Power

The Captive Public: How Mass Opinion Promotes State Power

Unthinking Faith and Enlightenment

Unthinking Faith and Enlightenment

Explores the boundaries of contemporary debates over the environment and the state, and argues that in each of these debates, one side exaggerates the possibility of harmony between humans and […]

Third World Coups d’Etat and International Security

The Consequences of Consent: Elections, Citizen Control and Popular Acquiescence

The Consequences of Consent: Elections, Citizen Control and Popular Acquiescence