Politics by Other Means: Politicians, Prosecutors, and the Press from Watergate to Whitewater

Politics by Other Means: Politicians, Prosecutors, and the Press from Watergate to Whitewater

As scandals increasingly dominate the political agenda, Benjamin Ginsberg and Martin Shefter argue in this illuminating book, the United States is entering an era of postelectoral politics, with media revelations, […]

Neuropolitics: Thinking, Culture, Speed

Neuropolitics: Thinking, Culture, Speed

Why would a political theorist venture into the nexus between neuroscience and film? According to William Connolly-whose new book is itself an eloquent answer-the combination exposes the ubiquitous role that […]

Thoreau’s Nature: Ethics, Politics, and the Wild

Thoreau’s Nature: Ethics, Politics, and the Wild

Thoreau’s Nature: Ethics, Politics, and the Wild explores how Thoreau crafted a life open to ‘the Wild,’ a term that marks the startling element of foreignness in every object of […]

The Enchantment of Modern Life

The Enchantment of Modern Life

It is a commonplace that the modern world cannot be experienced as enchanted–that the very concept of enchantment belongs to past ages of superstition. Jane Bennett challenges that view. She […]

Why I Am Not a Secularist

Why I Am Not a Secularist

Religion’s influence in American politics is obvious in recent debates about school prayer, abortion, and homosexuality, as well as in the success of grassroots religious organizations in mobilizing voters. Many […]

Contested Grounds: Security and Conflict in the New Environmental Politics

Contested Grounds: Security and Conflict in the New Environmental Politics

Since the end of the Cold War, the relationship between international security and the environment has been subject to intensive policy concern, scholarly debate and research. Contested Grounds brings together […]

Party Discipline and Parliamentary Government (Parliaments and Legislatures Series)

Party Discipline and Parliamentary Government (Parliaments and Legislatures Series)

Parliamentary government is generally taken to mean party government. Party cohesion and discipline are usually seen as central to the maintenance of parliamentary democracy. This overlap, between disciplined parties on […]

Democracy and Elections

Democracy and Elections

This book addresses the relationship between four values of democratic theory–popular sovereignty, liberalism, personal development, and community–and the electoral institutions used to implement them. After a chapter sketching the electoral […]

Embattled Democracy: Politics and Policy in the Clinton Era

Embattled Democracy: Politics and Policy in the Clinton Era

Making Government Manageable

Making Government Manageable

What are the basic concepts of executive organization and management? How does executive organization affect management? How can executive organization and management be improved? In Making Government Manageable, Thomas H. Stanton […]